Wednesday, February 10, 2010

So...about that....

I have barely moved my body since February 1st. Aside from walking between my car, buildings and bus (and occasionally running to catch the latter) I've been sitting at work desks, school desks or in bed.

Now, I'm not going to lie and say I didn't think this would happen. In fact, I pretty much assumed it was going to, but figured I'd get my butt moving for awhile in January anyway. Needless to say, I've still had the itch but have not had the time or energy to lose 30 mins of sleep here, or 45 of homework time there to appease.

Thus I am going to keep my expectations low for the next two and a half weeks and then remember all the things I've gotten done in a 24-hour period this month when I'm griping about not having any time to exercise next month...

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