Sunday, February 28, 2010

back in the saddle again

I've gone for two runs in the last four days, and a number of small bike rides in town, and it's all felt good. My next task (aside from continuing to do these things through the end of the term...) is to sit down and really figure out a realistic schedule for the season. I now have the summer class schedule and I'll have a better handle on potential work in the next few weeks, giving me the scheduling tidbits I've been waiting for.

It's nice to remember how good it feels to move. At the end of last summer I really didn't want to DO anything. I was riding my bike to school most of the time, but other than that, the idea of going out for a run, or even a leisurely ride was out of the question. It's strange, being in a place now where I know how great it is, to think about having no desire to do these things. It's also nice to still feel like I'm doing it for me, because I want to, not for any other reason.

For the next month or so, my goal is to get up to running 3 miles 3 times a week, comfortably riding my bike around town to all sorts of errands, occasions and other things, and get back to swimming. Part of my problem with biking is that I don't like arriving places being/feeling sweaty and nasty, so I will also include getting over that in my goals.

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