Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day One?

Yesterday's initial attempt at a run yielded a 1.7 mile treck. The run itself felt really good, though I feel that it had been awhile since the last one, AND I still have some crud left in my chest. But it felt good. I was surprisingly sore today (like places on my legs that I wouldn't think would hurt from a brief, hill-less run).

Already I can feel reality trying to creep in. I set my alarm for 6:30am on Monday (the same time Dan got up) with the hope and expectation of getting up and heading out early, but ended up in bed until about 7:30. I did still get up and run first thing - it was just later than I hoped it would be.

My plan was to go running tomorrow as well...but after getting up at 5:30 this morning (and even though I don't have to be in Salem until 9:30 tomorrow), the prospect of getting up early at all to run sounds horrific. If I wait until after class, however, the chances diminish further.

This is one of those pivotal moments that don't seem like a big deal individually, but over time they turn into dozens of missed runs. These are the moments that I need to kick myself in the butt, and rather than give up on what I'm hoping to do, I need to figure out what is necessary in order to make it happen (ie, go to bed earlier, set an alarm across the bedroom...whatever). More brainstorm ideas on this to come...

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