Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cycling! and allergies! YAY!

Dan and I went for a great ride this morning. It was just over 16 miles, which I think is longest ride I've done EVER, but it was also almost entirely flat. It felt really good though, and my core is slowly starting to strengthen itself no matter how hard it fights. I'm considering checking out some of the Group X classes at the Rec Center next term for this very purpose.

Things have been going well otherwise. I've been wanting to move myself every day and get out and just do something, even if it's a walk in the evening.

Some of the gals from school have been talking about cycling to the coast during the summer, which I have both both excited and terrified feelings about. Maya was trying to reassure me that I would survive though, so I think I'm going to give it a try.

I STILL haven't figured out a race schedule for the summer. I think it's going to be pretty low key - shooting for a half marathon and probably two sprint distance triathlons. List to be updated soon...

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