Friday, September 10, 2010

Train smarter, not harder - Day 1

First of all, the half marathon was a success! My final time was 2:13:33, which I'm very happy with. The whole thing felt good with only a few stumbling spots where I wasn't sure I was gonna be able to sustain the running. The course was beautiful - along the river, on both sides, in Eugene. My one complaint was the amount of zigzagging that was required for them to get the course to the right knees did not appreciate having to make something like 6 right turns in the last .1 of the race. Aside from feeling like I was going to pass out for a bit about two after hours after it was over my recovery went well. The weekend was full of protein and carbs and although my quads were pretty sore on Monday by Tuesday I felt almost better and even went for a run on Wednesday.

Today was my first run with the heart rate monitor I ordered. I didn't put it on any settings per say, and just measured what I would say is a pretty typical run for me. Turns out my heart rate is way higher than it ought to be. I've been trying to do more research and looking into what I should be doing/looking for/etc and think I might have a better idea of how to use this thing to my advantage. It'll be an interesting adjustment period and I will try to do better about tracking that progress.

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