Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Whew...long time no update

The end of the school year sort of caught me off guard - with work, school work and school (all three different things) I was pretty busy with not a whole lot of time for exercising. Then we've been on all sorts of mini-vacations...so on and so forth, I will stop making excuses now.

The exciting news is that the last month I've been staying on top of things and will be completing *hopefully* two races in the coming month and a half: the bike portion of the Portland Triathlon and the Inaugural Eugene Women's Half Marathon. This basically means I've been either biking or running every day with a break here and there. It's felt really good and I think I'm finally over the hump with running and will be able to get some good distance going in the coming weeks.

That's about it at this point. Much and little happening at the same time, but I'm feeling good right now - I like this time of year.