Saturday, April 24, 2010


I've been in a stage of maintenance the last couple weeks. After being sick for a week it was hard to come back, so I was just trying to get myself out every other day doing SOMETHING. Today felt really great though - 3.15 miles, the longest run in awhile.
I was thinking about races while I was out and I think I'm going to focus on one triathlon and one half marathon for the season. Look out for an updated list on the right after I decide which one's I'm going to do and sign up for them so I can't back out.
The food battle has been going much better lately. Life in general has made it more difficult for me to snack continually, so I've been more deliberate about meals and cooking even small things when I get home from school and feel exhausted.
The journey is going well, but I'm thinking a solid work out buddy would be of great benefit right now...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Today did NOT go as planned

This was a busy weekend, and I had high hopes to go for a run this morning after putting pot luck coffee cake into the oven. Unfortunately, by the time that happened my mood had already turned sour and I decided not to go then.

Well, then, I ended up having to babysit the coffee cake for 10 or so more 15 min increments until it was actually done, at which point it was too late to go to the potluck, the constant drip of snot from my nose (and in my head in general) hadn't stopped, it had started raining, and I found out dragon boating practice for this afternoon was canceled - my one hope at getting any exercise in today.

In an attempt to get my butt out of the house Dan suggested a bike ride, but the absence of even an eyebrow raise from me wasn't too encouraging. So, I have spent most of the day napping off and on on the couch, feeling kind of 'blah' in general, but knowing that when I wake up tomorrow things will feel better.

Lesson for this weekend: Don't book up weekends weeks in advance. It's just not a good idea and causes more anxiety than necessary and then I end up having a day like today anyway. We'll see if I try to switch up the schedule this week and go out tomorrow - even for something short - or just stick to the regular schedule with a day off. I'm also hoping the weather will permit me to ride my bike to school at least one or two days this week.

This totally doesn't count as off the horse, taking a rest stop.